Who am I? And why it isn’t important.

I am Alejandro.

In today’s world we express our whole lives on the internet and leave nothing to the imagination. We surrender our personalities, our whereabouts, and our secrets, to anyone who cares to look.

I am now an exception. Who I am, where I am, and the secrets I hold are no longer important. I will replace all of those things with just one. An ideal.

The only thing that matters about me now is that I am an ideal. Everything I share with you, whether it be thoughts, opinions, or propositions, will be presented through a shell that is irrelevant.

I am Alejandro.

I am an ideal.

4 Replies to “Who am I? And why it isn’t important.”

  1. Yeah… but in truth.. so what? You’re only an “ideal” in your own mind. If I don’t know you at all, why bother communicating with you? Now… here’s the thing. Way back in 1998 I was a brand new member of an online community and it was exciting. We shared “some” aspects of our lives with one another (not everything of course) and over a period of weeks I made several good friends. One of those friends became interested in the real me… not some ideal. The result was that after several months we met in person, liked what we already knew to be the case from many evenings of chatting and married in 2000. In a few months we will celebrate 14 years of wonderful wedded bliss. I could not be a luckier guy. I’ll stick with the real… but if you like, enjoy your ideal in the Antarctic. I hear it’s a little cold there though.

  2. There’s your problem James. If you are looking for love or deep and personal friendships then of course it doesn’t work. I’m not only an ideal in my own mind (as you put it). I’m just not an ideal in yours. I’m sorry to burst your bubble but there is a difference. And there is the success in what I do. People who are interested in personal connection are not of any interest to me. And as a result, people like you will not have any interest in my blog post. That is fine. I’m not looking for approval.

  3. Well, here’s the thing: I don’t have a problem as you term it. If you want to stand on your soap box and tell the rest of the world the way you “think” things should be, that’s your privilege. That doesn’t mean that you’re correct, of course, but it is your privilege to express yourself and I respect that. As for not needing approval – that’s great. Since I happen to disagree with much of what you’ve written, it should phase you in the least given that you don’t need my approval. By the way, you’ve chosen your location very well. :p

  4. My response to your comment in my other post covers everything that should be said mostly but there is something I should emphasize. I’m merely giving other people a chance to think in ways they may normally not. Yourself included. This is in no way an attempt to express myself. Rather an attempt to promote expression in others. I think in time you will understand this properly.

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